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      * The installers listed have been trained to install Rointe products, but are not employed by Rointe. Therefore, we cannot be held responsible for any problem related to installation.

      Do you need help?
      Contact us.

      If you have any questions, get in touch and we will be happy to help.

      Are you an installer or electrician? Do you want to feature on our locator?

      Get in touch with us to become an official Rointe installer.


      Why we recommend buying Rointe products through professional channels.

      Roint heating products are known in the industry for their low consumption. This is achieved by proper programming, correct sizing and installation according to guidelines that guarantee perfect natural air convection.


      By purchasing through an official Rointe sales channel, wholesaler or installer, you are guaranteed a professional and reliable experience, maximising energy efficiency without excessive consumption or unnecessary costs.


      Sizing your installation gives you the perfect balance between comfort and savings.

      Before buying a Rointe product, we recommend you calculate your needs using our sizing tool. It takes into account room dimensions, insulation, climatic zone and ceiling height to accurately calculate the right product to meet your needs.


      If you prefer, we can conduct this calculation for you and provide a free of charge, tailor made Technical Study. With this we recommend the best product and are also on hand for advice and guidance. Just send us your building/room plans or drawings and we’ll do the rest.

      Rewards for reviews.

      We really value customer reviews and opinions and like to hear any feedback. That’s how we improve our products and service.


      Register your guarantee, leave an honest review and you will be entered into our prize draw* to win an Amazon gift card, worth £100!

      * Please see prize draw terms and conditions here.