
Control your heating anytime, anywhere, with Rointe Connect – the smart heating app for the Rointe connected WiFi controlled heating range.

Global heating control from your smartphone.

Rointe is the only manufacturer that offers a global WiFi connected heating solution, fully controllable from your smartphone, tablet or PC using the Rointe Connect app.


Designed for easy operation by any type of user, Rointe Connect offers multiple advantages when it comes to your heating: individual or zone control of your Rointe connected products, creation of multiple installations in a single application, push notifications, plus managing your energy consumption and costs.

Complete control

Control all your WiFi connected heating products from Rointe Connect with the swipe of a finger.


Available for smartphones and tablets, plus PC through the web app.

Consumption statistics

View statistics and reports like consumption, temperature and savings.

Scalable system

Configure single products or entire rooms, floors, homes, businesses and multiple facilities.

Smart guide

Installation assistant that guides you step by step through the process.

Weather prediciton

Be prepared for bad weather with the advanced 7-day weather forecast.

Push notifications

Alerts, warnings and push notifications from the app to your device.

Global temperature

Set the same temperature for all products within the same installation.

Heating control without gateways.

Did you know that most of the “WiFi” heating products on the market are not really connected at all?


Unlike the Rointe WiFi Direct system that the Rointe Connect app uses, the vast majority require expensive external devices that must be installed in addition to your router.

Rointe WiFi Direct

Rointe WiFi products connect directly to the router without gateways, with higher data transmission speeds and eliminating any limits on the number of connected devices.


You don’t need to make any additional configuration on your WiFi router, as Rointe WiFi Direct will connect your product to the Rointe Connect app with minimal pairing.


Communications are encrypted, ensuring the security of your data.

Other "connected" systems

Oher products on the market connect via a radio frequency to a switchboard or smartbox (normally limited to 8 products on average).


To get a WiFi connection, this smartbox must be connected by cable to the router, and configured so the app and product connection is fluid.


These gateways or smartboxes must be purchased separately, at a price of around £80… a hidden cost which increase the final price of the product in order for it to “work with WiFi”.

Download the Rointe Connect app now.


Automate your heating system.

Within the Rointe Connect app you can operate your heating system using automatic scenarios, controlled by the GPS location of your smartphone. We call it “Environments”.


You can automate actions and changes, such as activating or deactivating your products according to the time of day or your location.


For example, in an environment called “Leaving Home”, Rointe Connect switches off your heating when your smartphone moves away from your home.


The possibilities are endless with the Environments feature so schedule as many as you want, then sit back and relax whilst your Rointe Connect app does the work.


Program your heating to turn on as you're arriving home.


Program your heating to switch on at a certain time of the day.


Activate certain environments depending on who is at home.

Download the Rointe Connect app now.


Alexa, turn my heating on.

Rointe’s WiFi connected products and the Rointe Connect app are now compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. It makes managing your heating system even easier.


There’s no need to approach your products or the control panel. Using just your voice, you can remotely control your Rointe connected heating system, both in and outside of the home.


Just ask Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant to perform the comfort action you want.


“Alexa, open Rointe and turn on the living room heating.”

“Ok Google, put the living room radiator in comfort mode.”

Download the Rointe Connect app now.

Rointe Connect app products

The Rointe Connect app works with our WiFi controlled heating range:

Energy consumption

Custom statistics so you know the real energy consumption per installation, zone or product by hour, day or month.

Costs in your currency

Simply enter your tariff price and you will be able to see the real cost of your daily, monthly and annual heating.

Average temperatures

See the temperature data read by the thermostat and probe compared to the one established in the products.

Accumulated savings

View your accumulated savings provided by installed Rointe radiators compared to other heating systems.

View our helpful advice and tools, or contact our Support department.